Principles & Practices
WEEK 1: David Kong (MIT), Joe Jacobson (MIT), George Church (Harvard), Megan Palmer (Stanford). TA(s): Sebastian Kamau
I'm an industrial designer and creative food technologist who craves foundational knowledge to play with. I'm not a student of + I am not affiliated with any of the institutions involved, but I am thankful for the opportunity to join this class.
WEEK 1: David Kong (MIT), Joe Jacobson (MIT), George Church (Harvard), Megan Palmer (Stanford). TA(s): Sebastian Kamau
WEEK 2: George Church (Harvard). TA(s) Jessica Weber, Verena Volf
WEEK 3: Shuguang Zhang (MIT) and Thras Karydis (DeepCure). TA(s): Eyal Perry
WEEK 3.5: Eyal Perry (TA)
WEEK 4: Joe Jacobson (MIT) & Emily LeProust (Twist BioSciences). TA(s): Eyal Perry
WEEK 5: Evan Daugharty (ReadCoor). TA(s): Erkin Kuru
WEEK 6: Kate Adamala (U Minnesota), Jim Collins (MIT), Ally Huang (Biobits). TA(s): Erkin Kuru
WEEK 7: Patrick Boyle (Ginko Bioworks). TA(s): Pat
WEEK 8: David Kong (MIT), Mariana Matus (Biobots.io). TA(s): Pat
WEEK 9: Nina Tandom (EpiBone). TA(s): Patrick Fortuna, Bob Hendrikx
WEEK 10: John Glass (J.Craig Venter Institute), George Church (Harvard). TA(s): Alex Mijalis, Sebastian Kamau
WEEK 11: Everyone!