Next Generation Synthesis

Joe Jacobson (MIT) & Emily LeProust (Twist Biosciences)

TA: Eyal Perry

Class Outline:

Skills covered:



Part A: Primer Design and Fragment Assembly

In this part, we will prepare and order the primers that will generate a library of mutated amilCP expressing E. coli cells. We will use Gibson Assembly to insert our mutated gene into a plasmid, which in turn will be transformed into electrocompetent E. coli cells. First, let's understand what is Gibson Assembly and how to design primers for it.

Design primers to amplify two sets of amplicons from mUAV plasmid. The amplicons sets must include one end that overlaps by 20-22 bases with distinct ends of the pUC19 backbone.


I imported the pUC19 plasmid sequence from Addgene into Benchling and looked up the PvuII restriction digest to look for the backbone to use in the assembly. (Identify selection marker and origin of replication)

Then I I imported the mUAV plasmid sequence into Benchling with the GenBank identifier. I then created an annotation of the amilCP gene, RBS, promoter, and terminators in the mUAV plasmid.
Then through the Liljeruhm et al paper mentioned, I searched for the chromophore (CP) region in the amilCP gene by searching the mutation region cagTGTCAGtac. It is annotated in pink to the left.

I then created a codon table and found the corresponding DNA sequences to the corresponding amino acids. I had to look up a video on how to use a codon table because I was very confused and forgotten how to use one.

amilCP Variants

VariantAmino AcidsSequence
Carnation PinkV SGTATCG

Outer Forward Primer:

Design: 5'tggccgattcattaatgcagggtctctatatgcaggtg3'


Sequence: 5' ggtctctatatgcaggtg 3'

3' Location: 2052

Length: 19 bp

GC: 52.63 %

Melting Temp: 51.2°C


Sequence: 5' tggccgattcattaatgcag 3'

3' Location: 54

Length: 19 bp

GC: 46.37 %

Melting Temp: 51.3°C

Outer Reverse Primer:

Design: 5'gcctcttcgctattacgccgggtctcaatatgcaggtg3'


Sequence: 5' gggtctcaatatgcaggtg 3'

3' Location: 2902

Length: 19bp

GC: 52.63%

Melting Temp: 51.9°C


Sequence: 5' gcctcttcgctattacgcc 3'

3' Location: 379

Length: 19bp

GC: 57.89%

Melting Temp: 55.1°C

Inner Reverse Primer:

Design: 5'ctgtggtgataaaatatcccaagc3'


Sequence: 5'ctgtggtgataaaatatcccaagc3'

3' Location: 2270

Length: 24bp

GC: 41.67%

Melting Temp: 53.9°C

Inner Forward Primer:

Original: 5'gggatattttatcaccacagtgtcagtacggaagcataccattcac3'

Carnation Pink: 5'gggatattttatcaccacagGTATCGtacggaagcataccattcac3'

Orange: 5'gggatattttatcaccacagGTCGGTtacggaagcataccattcac3'


Sequence: 5'gggatattttatcaccacagtgtcagtacggaagcataccattcac3'

3' Location: 2319

Length: 46bp

GC: 43.48%

Melting Temp: 66.4°C

Notes from the AddGene primer design tip video:

Length of the Primer: Optimal range for best yields is 18-24 base pairs. Too short, they can make random DNA out of what you were trying to make, too long and you will have longer processing times.

Annealing & Melting Temps: Annealing allows your primer to basepair with the DNA, melting temp help half of your primers to de-tach from DNA. Annealing temp is 5 degrees lower than the melting temperature. Two primers should have similar melting temperatures. Add 4 degrees for every G or C and 2 degrees for every A or T.

GC Content: Ideal GC content for primers is 40-50%. Include a GC clamp at the 3 prime end of the primer. Include 2-3 Gs or Cs at the end of your primer depending on the sequence. GCs are stronger because they have an extra hydrogen bond compared to As and Ts.

Secondary Structure: There is a chance that the primers could base pair or dimerize with itself. So you should use online tools to avoid hairpins, self-dimers, or cross-dimers! Too many repeats in the nucleotide sequence can cause mis-priming and it can fuse to unintended areas.

Part B: Remote Cloning

In this exercise, we are extracting a specific gene (amilCP) from a plasmid and mutating it using PCR. As we talked about in class, Next Generation DNA synthesis is changing the way we think about bio-design. Twist Bioscience, as part of its gracious support to HTGAA, offers us a special budget for ordering gene fragments and clonal genes. These could be extremely handy for your final projects. Essentially, you could choose any gene you fancy and submit it to Twist. When ordering clonal genes, they already take care of the work of inserting it into a vector (plasmid). Meaning, you can just choose a gene and choose an bacterial expression vector and you will get a bacteria expressing your synthetic gene (with no lab work!)

Bonus Content

There are other ways to assemble a fragment library into a plasmid. Another common technique, which we will not be using this week (but keep in mind for final projects!) is Golden Gate Assembly.