Principles & Practices
WEEK 1: David Kong (MIT), Joe Jacobson (MIT), George Church (Harvard), Megan Palmer (Stanford). TA(s): Sebastian Kamau
Hi! I'm a young molecular biologist/biochemist who is passionate about engineering biology to solve challenges of humanity, be it medical, ecological or otherwise. This is my coursework for the How To Grow (Almost) Anything course.
WEEK 1: David Kong (MIT), Joe Jacobson (MIT), George Church (Harvard), Megan Palmer (Stanford). TA(s): Sebastian Kamau
WEEK 2: George Church (Harvard). TA(s) Jessica Weber, Verena Volf
WEEK 3: Shuguang Zhang (MIT) and Thras Karydis (DeepCure). TA(s): Eyal Perry
WEEK 3.5: Eyal Perry (TA)
WEEK 4: Joe Jacobson (MIT) & Emily LeProust (Twist BioSciences). TA(s): Eyal Perry
WEEK 5: Evan Daugharty (ReadCoor). TA(s): Erkin Kuru
WEEK 6: Kate Adamala (U Minnesota), Jim Collins (MIT), Ally Huang (Biobits). TA(s): Erkin Kuru
WEEK 7: Patrick Boyle (Ginko Bioworks). TA(s): Pat
WEEK 8: David Kong (MIT), Mariana Matus (Biobots.io). TA(s): Pat
WEEK 9: Nina Tandom (EpiBone). TA(s): Patrick Fortuna, Bob Hendrikx
WEEK 10: John Glass (J.Craig Venter Institute), George Church (Harvard). TA(s): Alex Mijalis, Sebastian Kamau
WEEK 11: Everyone!